Pilsley Primary School

Pilsley Primary School

Inspire, Respect, Achieve

Station Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 8EU


01773 872378



On behalf of our school we would like to welcome you and your family to Pilsley Primary and Nursery School.

We aim to create a happy and caring environment for all our children and feel strongly that to achieve this you as a parent need to feel welcome, your views listened to and a mutual trust and respect built between school and home.

We seek excellence in all we do and our aim is for every child to reach their full potential. Our school has strong links with the local community and we are always seeking to encourage and develop these further.

We believe that we can do this most effectively by working in partnership with you. We are always available if you have any questions or something you wish to share with us.

We look forward to seeing you and your child at Pilsley Primary School.

Mrs L Brook

Head Teacher

Mrs K. Potts

Chair of Governors


Latest Pilsley School Events

Half Term Holidays - School Closed17Feb2025

Careers Week03Mar2025

World Book Day06Mar2025

Y2 Day Visit to Carsington Water13Mar2025

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